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Join the CultureChange

We’re dedicated to igniting opportunities, jobs, and a vibrant future for the Democratic Republic of Congo through the magic of culture.

Strategic Plan for 2022-2025

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In a dynamic world where culture serves as a catalyst for change, TripCongo, the creators of MemoCD, stand at the forefront of a transformative mission. With unwavering determination, we aim to reshape the cultural and economic landscape of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by creating jobs in culture sectors. This mission stems from a realistic understanding of our nation’s potential.

As we look ahead, we recognize the urgency of addressing pressing issues within the DRC. According to recent statistics, the DRC faces significant challenges, including high youth unemployment rates of approximately 50%. Limited access to economic opportunities further compounds the issue, with nearly 70% of the population living below the poverty line.

Our mission, therefore, is twofold: to empower Congolese youth and entrepreneurs by tapping into the vast potential of culture sectors, specifically focusing on Tourism and Art. We anticipate that our efforts can lead to the creation of over 10,000 jobs within the next five years, contributing substantially to reducing unemployment in the DRC.

This is not merely a vision; it’s a realistic commitment to catalyze change, improve lives, and unlock the latent economic potential of culture sectors. With your partnership and investment, we can make this vision a tangible reality, benefiting both the Congolese people and the global community.

Jimmy Munda

TripCongo LLC

How investing works

Our mission is not just aspirational but backed by a realistic understanding of the DRC’s economic challenges and opportunities.

TripCongo’s work is summarized in the 10-initiatives Plan with these 3 key points.

Estimated revenue by digital transformation.

TripCongo is embracing digital transformation to promote culture and generate revenue from digital cultural experiences. With the increasing adoption of technology and our commitment to innovation.

0 Millions $ / year

Increase in economic opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

This initiative is poised to significantly boost the Congolese economy by attracting tourists eager to experience our rich culture and heritage. According to DRC tourism data and our mission to promote cultural development.

0 %

10,000 full-time jobs in the next 5 years.

TripCongo is dedicated to empowering local communities through cultural projects, fostering sustainable development while preserving our cultural heritage.

0 Thousands

Contact Us

We are global, regional and local.

TripCongo operates globally with a keen focus on the DRC. We are dedicated to driving change and economic growth in our nation, acknowledging the unique cultural assets that can propel us toward sustainable development. Please feel free to reach out to us through the adjacent contact form to explore how your investment can contribute to this transformative journey.

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Today, Tue 2 July 2024, 1:24 PM (GMT +01 Kinshasa, DR Congo)